Pre-season Training
Pre-season training dates have been booked at Cricket HQ, 51-53 Levanswell Rd, Moorabbin.
The Club is covering the cost of the nets, please make a big effort to use the indoor facilities and build up some form and fitness.
To the senior players,
The dates below will be on Fridays from 6 to 7pm with 2 net access.

Saturday mornings at home (Simpson) will be confirmed at a later date.
To the junior players,
The dates below will be on Fridays from 5 to 6pm with 2 net access.

Saturday morning (Simpson) to be confirmed and publicised closer to time.
Encouraging all older Juniors (u14s and up) to attend the Senior trainings as well, if available.
Cheer cheer,
Trevor Layzell